The Defender and the Penal Reform International (PRI) will enhance the framework of cooperation

The Defender and the Penal Reform International (PRI) will enhance the framework of cooperation

Last week the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan received the Executive Director of the PRI Florian Irminger and the Regional Director for South Caucasus Office of the PRI Tsira Chanturia.


During the meeting Arman Tatoyan presented conducted work in the field of prevention of torture and ill-treatment in penitentiary institutions, as well as legislative amendments proposed by the Human Rights Defender on the protection of rights of persons deprived of liberty.


Arman Tatoyan also mentioned that the Human Rights Defender as National Preventive Mechanism intervenes as a third party in the proceeding pending before the European Court of Human Rights against Armenia, provides special submissions to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers as independent assessment of the execution of ECtHR judgments by Armenia.


The representatives of the organization valued the work of the Human Rights Defender in the field of torture prevention.


At the end of the meeting the parties agreed to strengthen and expand the cooperation.