
Dear visitor,
Welcome to the official website of the Human Rights Defender’s Office of the Republic of Armenia.
The role of national human rights institutions is increasingly growing in the modern systems of human rights protection. In each civilized country the activities of these institutions are mostly focused not only on the human rights protection and restoration of violated rights through individual complaints, but also revealing systematic legal problems and thus elevating the protection of human rights to a qualitatively new level.
The legal grounds of the activity of RA Human Rights Defender’s institute as fully Paris Principles compliant national institution are enshrined in the RA Constitution as well as in the RA Constitutional Law on the Human Rights Defender.
According to Article 191 of the Constitution, the Human Rights Defender shall be an independent official, who shall follow the respect for human rights and freedoms by state and local self-government bodies and officials, as well as by organizations in cases prescribed by the Law on the Human Rights Defender, and shall facilitate the restoration of violated rights and freedoms and the improvement of the normative legal acts related to human rights and freedoms.
In line with his constitutional mission and mandate the Human Rights Defender of Armenia in his daily activity takes steps to reveal the violations of human rights and freedoms, as well as to make recommendations for their elimination.
I hope that the official website of the Human Rights Defender’s Office will provide the citizens an opportunity directly to follow the activities of the Human Rights Defender and his staff, as well as to apply to the Defender online and receive his support.