"There is so much positive energy here that you will not find anywhere else." Arman Tatoyan spent March 8 in Nork Social Care Home

On March 8, International Women's Day, the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan, visited Nork Social Care Home SNCO. He congratulated, gifted flowers and wished health to women living and working there.


"There is so much positive energy here, that you will not find anywhere else," said Arman Tatoyan during the conversation with the women living at the social care home.


According to the Defender, protection of the rights of elderly people is one of the most important directions of his work and he will do everything within his mandate to ensure their effective realization.


The Defender will continue to contribute to the elimination of stereotypes about women, ensuring their participation in decision-making and creating equal opportunities.


The bigger the role of women in the country, the more balanced and fair decisions are made.