The teacher who has been fired from her job was re-employed with the Defender’s assistance

The teacher who has been fired from her job was re-employed with the Defender’s assistance

The citizen applied to the Human Rights Defender informing that she was illegally fired from her job.


According to the applicant she has been working as a teacher for almost 20 years. She didn’t go to work for a few days because of her health issues, however, she couldn’t provide the administration with a reference, proving the above mentioned fact. As a result, according to her, she was fired from job without any reasonable justification.


Official letters were sent to the office of the Head of the Region in order to present clarifications with regard to the circumstances described in the application, as well as to verify the legality and validity of the order of the acting School Principal.


By the order of the Head of the Region, the acting School Principal’s dismissal order was declared void.


As a result, the teacher was reinstated to her former job. She also received a remuneration for the missed pay period.