Discussion on strengthening the role of women in Gegharkunik province

Discussion on strengthening the role of women in Gegharkunik province

Today, a working meeting on Strengthening the Role of Women in Public and Economic Life was held in Gegharkunik province with participation of the representatives from the Human Rights Defender’s Office and NGOs.


Head of Division for Protection of Civil, Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights at RA Human Rights Defender’s Office Armen Mashinyan and Armenia Country Director of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative Hasmik Hakobyan made the opening speeches.


Issues related to women’s rights were presented within the framework of “Promoting Human Rights Protection in Armenia for All” project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In particular, issues related to women’s engagement in political and economic life, equal employment opportunities, domestic violence and other issues, which were also reflected in the annual report of the Defender.


At the end of the meeting, agreements on contributing to resolution of the issues raised by the NGOs were reached.