The Human Rights Defender provided a second special position to the CoE Committee of Ministers on the ECHR judgment in respect of Armenia

The Human Rights Defender provided a second special position to the CoE Committee of Ministers on the ECHR judgment in respect of Armenia

For the first time during the activity of the Human Rights Defender's institution, Arman Tatoyan presented a special position to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the implementation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights Ashot Harutyunyan v. Armenia concerning the right to healthcare of a person deprived of liberty.


The position has addressed a number of principal issues for the execution of the judgment, which indicate the need for institutional changes in adequate medical care and services in places of deprivation of liberty. The Defender has issued concrete recommendations in this regard. On these matters the Human Rights Defender's Office cooperates with the Ministry of Justice and the Armenia’s representative in the European Court.


It is to be reminded that for the first time the Human Rights Defender's position in connection with the protection of human rights in the armed forces was presented to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 25 September 2018.


The Defender considers important the ongoing work with the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, Directorate General for Human Rights and Rule of Law, as well as with the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan. It is crucial for the implementation of the international human rights standards, particularly the jurisprudence of the European Court, in the national legislature and law enforcement practice.


The Armenian National Human Rights Institution will continue participating in the execution of the European Court judgments in cooperation with the competent state authorities and civil society partners.