The Defender received complaints about shootings towards Baghanis and Chinari villages: ad hoc reports will be sent to the international organizations

The Defender received complaints about shootings towards Baghanis and Chinari villages: ad hoc reports will be sent to the international organizations

The Human Rights Defender’s Office received alarming reports on the targeting borderline of communities of the RA Tavush Province by the Azerbaijani armed forces from September 13 to 15. Relevant publications are available in the mass media as well.


The information provided to the Human Rights Defender’s Office shows that there have been shootings targeted towards the village school, civilian houses and the highway leading to the village.


According to the information related to Chinar village, as a result of early morning shootings, the village kindergarten, its protective wall, as well as civilian houses were damaged. The damages caused by shootings gave the authorized representative of the village administration and civilians a ground to conclude that they were made from large-caliber machine guns and snipers.


The Human Rights Defender will soon sum up the results of the conducted fact-finding mission regarding the targeting of the Armenian borderline communities by the Azerbaijani forces since September 2. They already prove that shootings are dangerous for the peaceful population of the village, as well as for the children’s life and health.


An ad hoc report will be published soon, which will be sent to the international human rights institutions.