With the Human Rights Defender’s support a citizen’s right to military deferment was restored

With the Human Rights Defender’s support a citizen’s right to military deferment was restored

A citizen applied for the support of the Human Rights Defender in order to exempt his/her son from mandatory military service. 


The applicant informed, that according to the Government Decree his/her son received military deferment of 2018 summer conscription on the occasion of significant achievements in education and science, however in July became a conscript of the RA Armed Forces.


During the discussion of the application, it turned out that the applicant’s son had received deferment on the occasion of significant achievements in education and science till the end of his study, but not older than 26 years, however, contrary to the decision, the citizen became a conscript in the Armed Forces.


As a result of the discussion procedure at the Defender’s Office, the Order of the Minister of Defense about the conscription was canceled and the citizen was exempted from mandatory military service.