The Human Rights Defender supports the participation of women in economic life in regions: Discussion in Khachik Village

The Human Rights Defender supports the participation of women in economic life in regions: Discussion in Khachik Village

A special meeting on “Implementation of women’s economic rights” has been initiated among the representatives of the Defender, state and self-government bodies and NGO’s in Khachik village, Vayots Dzor Region, Armenia in September 22.  One of the key guarantees to tackle various issues in the named field is to ensure women’s economic enhancement and autonomy. Researches undertaken by the Office of the Defender shows that namely women living in different regions of Armenia lack such type of enhancement and supportive programmes. 


It should be noted that the state should ensure full participation of women in entrepreneurship both in the capital city and in the regions equally. This will ultimately lead to the more balanced development of the country's economy and will directly contribute to the strengthening of the country's human rights system.


Women have a strong potential and to realize it special conditions should be created” – reads in the speech of Lusine Sargsyan, Head of Education and Research Centre of the Human Rights Defender’s Office.


The event - supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the American Bar Association in Armenia within the framework of “Promoting Human Rights Protection in Armenia for All” project - aims to promote the economic capacity of women in the regions, as well as promoting opportunities for them to engage in economic activity and overcoming stereotypes about women's role in society by raising awareness on women's rights.


Mikael Khachatryan, Head of International Cooperation Department, presented the issues related to women's rights raised in the annual report of the Defender.


At the meeting women's issues were raised and an agreement was reached to work in cohesion to target issues of the concerned area.