Representatives of the Defender’s Office conducted working visit to the Czech Republic

Representatives of the Defender’s Office conducted working visit to the Czech Republic

From 25 to 27 July the representatives of the RA Human Rights Defender with support of the UNHCR Armenia conducted experience exchange visit to the Czech Republic. 


Within the project jointly implemented with UNHCR, members of the delegation had a meeting with the representatives of the Office of the Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic. Authorities of the institutions, fields of activities, as well as various issues regarding rights ensuring of refugees and asylum seekers were discussed.


Visit to the reception center for asylum seekers named “Zastavka u Brna” was conducted. Meetings were held with Head of the UNHCR Office in the Czech Republic and the representative of the “Aid for refugees” (OPU) UNHCR partner NGO. 


Established high level cooperation between institutions of two countries were emphasized, in the framework of which sides agreed to further expand the acquired collaboration.