Unannounced visit to the Reception Center for asylum seekers

Unannounced visit to the Reception Center for asylum seekers

On July 25 the representatives of the Human Rights Defender conducted an unannounced visit to the Reception Center SNPO under Migration Service.


During the visit, the level of implementation of the recommendation with regard to ensuring rights of asylum seekers enshrined within the ad hoc report of the Defender, sanitary hygienic and living conditions, as well as other issues were examined.


It was recorded, that some of the problems raised in the report were solved. Internal disciplinary rules of the Center were translated into 4 languages (Arabic, Farsi, English and Russian), the sanitary hygienic situation of the kitchen was revamped. Playroom for children was renovated and furnished as well.


However, it was also reported that the issue with regard to providing special food based on religion or nation still exist. Information on inadequate sanitary hygienic and living conditions, as well as on existence of conflicts based on interpersonal problems was received during the individual interviews. With regard to the last issue, the Defender’s Office is cooperating with the Police, as well as concerning all issues, with Migration Service and UNHCR Armenia.  


During the visit, the authorities of the Defender, procedure for applying and discussion of the complaint were clarified to the people living in the Center.


Interpreters of Arabic, Turkish, Spanish and Farsi were involved in the visit.


The employees of the Center supported the representatives of the Defender in their work.


Based on the conclusion of the results, steps will be undertaken to promote the solution of the reported problems.