The Defender’s Office will consider the justification of water shutdowns: there have been complaints about failure to notify citizens

The Defender’s Office will consider the justification of water shutdowns: there have been complaints about failure to notify citizens

In recent days complaints have been addressed to the Human Rights Defender from Yerevan and the provinces, indicating that the “Veolia Djur” company does not provide proper water supply.


In the applications, as well as in the media and on social networks concerns have been expressed that water shutdowns occur without prior notification to citizens, and that no proper notification is provided concerning the restart of water supply. In addition, polluted water is flowing from faucets after the water supply restarts. According to the complaints, because of insufficient pressure of drinking water in residential buildings, no necessary amount of water reaches the upper floors. There are also complaints that it is not possible to receive explanations from the “Veolia Djur”company through the designated hotline.


Given that the mentioned complaints and public concerns create grounds to assume that there are massive violations of rights and attest to the public significance of the issue, a discussion procedure has been initiated at the Defender’s Office.


Correspondingly, official letters have been addressed to the “Veolia Djur” company, as well as to the Public Services Regulatory Commission. Explanations are requested regarding the unjustified water shutdowns, as well as their reasons for not properly notifying citizens.