As a result of the rapid response from the Defender's Office, the car was deposited back to its owner

As a result of the rapid response from the Defender's Office, the car was deposited back to its owner

A citizen, who applied to the Human Rights Defender's Rapid Reaction Unit, requested assistance to be given back his car which was taken to the impoundment lot by the Compulsory Enforcement Service.


The applicant said that there were numerous enforcement proceedings, instituted against him by the Compulsory Enforcement Service, some of which should be struck out due to the recent general amnesty for fines imposed on administrative offenses.  The citizen said that the abatement could take several months, whereas the car, taken to the impoundment lot, was his only means of earning.


The representative of the Defender's staff contacted the representative from the relevant unit of the Compulsory Enforcement Service in order to solve the issue raised.   An arrangement was reached about striking out the enforcement proceedings against the citizen on a priority basis, and to deposit the car back to its owner until the fines, to which the amnesty did not apply, are paid in installments.