The message of the Defender on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The message of the Defender on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Dear journalists,


November 2 is the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists.


Guaranteeing respect for journalists and their unimpeded activities is one of the main directions of the Human Rights Defender’s work.


Freedom of speech and journalistic activity is a key indicator of the development of democracy in country.


With your high vocation of responsible journalism and daily hard work you contribute to the development of democracy in the country. Mostly, due to your work a citizen get insight into the activities of public bodies and state officials representing them.


Journalists have a huge role in promoting dissent and in maintaining atmosphere of tolerance in the country. These are the keys to overcome the challenges and to ensure the smooth transition of changes.


Any crime against the activities of the journalists should receive a strict reaction of the State, and those who committed the offence should be subject to indispensable measures of liability.


Journalist should be convinced that their professional activities are protected by the State.


To the maximum of the mandate of the Human Rights Defender I will continue making efforts towards ensuring protection of journalistic work.