The Human Rights Defender summarizes the cases, recorded during National Assembly extraordinary elections as of 18:00

The Human Rights Defender summarizes the cases, recorded during National Assembly extraordinary elections as of 18:00

During the National Assembly extraordinary elections, the hotlines of working groups of the Human Rights Defender’s central and regional offices, as well as office members dispatched to the regions where the Defender has no office representation, received 59 calls as of 18:00.


The calls to the Office’s hotline mostly related to the accessibility of polling stations and issues with regard to furnishing, the possibility of voting in a place other than the place of registration, the realization of electoral rights by those who are not able to gain access to the polling station, and people not included in the list of voters during the day of elections. Issues concerning the realization of right to vote confidentially, gatherings in the polling stations and in their vicinity, change of polling station’s location without prior notice, impossibility of voting due to issuance of passport to embassy or other institutions, etc.


All calls received a comprehensive consultation. Necessary clarifications were requested from the competent bodies, including from Territorial Electoral Commissions and the Police as necessary.


I addition to the calls received through the hotline, the Defender’s Office also examined more than 750 publications disseminated through the media and social networks.


The Human Rights Defender’s Office pays special attention to the publications on hindering the work of journalists and observers. The working groups dispatched to regions for rapid responses within the Defender’s mandate, request clarifications from competent bodies on the measures undertaken thereof.


The Office of the Human Rights Defender works from the early morning. Complaints with regard to the realization of electoral rights can be submitted to the Defender’s Office via 116 and (096) 116100 telephone numbers or visiting the Defender’s Office.


The representatives of the working group in regions are available through the following numbers:

  •  (043) 512-116 - Shirak region
  • (043) 991-189 – Gegharkunik region
  • (043) 513-116 – Syunik region 
  • (043) 506-116 – Lori region
  • (043) 507-116 – Aragatsotn region
  • (043) 514-116 – Tavush region