An inclusive society is necessary to ensure inclusive education: Discussion

An inclusive society is necessary to ensure inclusive education: Discussion

Not proper conditions exist in educational institutions  for inclusive education and moreover, the educators are not specially trained. This was mentioned by the Human Rights Defender Mr. Arman Tatoyan during the discussion titled “Development prospects of Inclusive Education in Armenia” 


During the event opening remarks were delivered by the RA Minister of Science and Education Mr. Arayik Harutyunyan, the RA Minister of Labor and Social Issues Ms. Mane Tandilyan, the RA Minister of Healthcare Mr. Arsen Torosyan. In their speeches the Ministers stressed the importance of systematic work between stakeholders and emphasized that for providing inclusive education first and foremost an inclusive society is needed.


During the discussion co-organized by the Human Rights Defender’s Office, “Save the Children” organization and above mentioned Ministries, key issues in the field of inclusive education presented in the reports of the Defender were discussed, as well as state policy regarding universal inclusive education in the field of general education, social justice, contemporary challenges and opportunities for inclusion in the field of education.


The parties expressed readiness to reach solutions jointly, through involvement of civil society.


It has to be noted that early in the morning, the Chairman of the National Assembly Mr. Ara Babloyan, the Human Rights Defender Mr. Arman Tatoyan, the Minister of Labor and Social Issues Ms. Mane Tandilyan, the Minister of Healthcare Mr. Arsen Torosyan visited Kindergarten No. 92, which provides inclusive preschool education. They discussed the effectiveness of a chain of policlinic-kindergarten-school inclusive model and further possibilities of its implementation in other institutions.