The protection of women’s rights and elimination of discrimination should be under the state’s primary attention: a discussion in Gyumri

The protection of women’s rights and elimination of discrimination should be under the state’s primary attention: a discussion in Gyumri

On March 19 a discussion was held in Gyumri between the representatives of the Human Rights Defender's Office and NGOs of Shirak Region regarding the protection of women's rights and the elimination of discrimination.


Lusine Sargsyan, Head of Research and Educational Center of the Human Rights Defender's Office, presented the women's rights issues recorded in the Defender’s annual reports.


In particular, issues pertaining to the prevention of labor rights violations, to the right to healthcare, as well as the impact of violence on women, children and other vulnerable groups were discussed.


During the discussion, which was organized within the framework of the project on “Promoting Human Rights Protection in Armenia for All” funded by the USAID, the importance of women's participation in political, economic and cultural spheres was emphasized.


NGOs of Shirak Region had raised a number of issues and an agreement was reached to work jointly towards their solution.