Monitoring visits to schools and kindergartens have been completed: the Defender’s ad hoc report is forthcoming.

 Monitoring visits to schools and kindergartens have been completed: the Defender’s ad hoc report is forthcoming.

With the purpose of studying the accessibility of water supplies and sanitary services in preschool, public schools and childcare institutions, representatives of the Defender’s Office have carried out monitoring visits to more than 200 educational facilities in Yerevan and the provinces.


The visits were carried out through special methods and questionnaires developed by experts to check operating bathrooms as well as water and sanitary conditions. Particular attention was paid to institutions serving children with disabilities and those who need special care especially in rural areas.

While conducting the examination within the framework of the project entitled “Contributing to the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Armenia”, the existing legislation, international standards and UN sustainable development goals were taken into consideration.


A number of issues were revealed in the course of the visits. In order to comprehensively present the results of the study, as well as the necessary recommendations, the Defender will develop an ad hoc report.