A Seminar on Fact-finding and Investigation of Cases of Death and Torture in the Places of Deprivation of Liberty

A Seminar on Fact-finding and Investigation of Cases of Death and Torture in the Places of Deprivation of Liberty

On August 4-5, a seminar on Fact-finding and Investigation of Cases of Death and Torture in the Places of Deprivation of Liberty has been held in Jermuk.


It was organized by the “Supporting the criminal justice reform and combating ill-treatment and impunity in Armenia” project officers, and was funded under the framework of EU and CoE Partnership for Good Governance.


Members of the Human Rights Defender’s Office, RA Prosecutor General’s Office, Investigation Committee and Special Investigation Service, NPM experts, and representatives of non-governmental organizations attended the seminar.


During the event, the issues about the investigation of ill-treatment, torture, death and potentially unlawful death cases were discussed with the CoE international experts Victor Zaharia and Walter Suntinger, the role of the Ombudsman institution and the National Preventive Mechanism in the investigation process was emphasized.


The participants raised issues they face in practice, peculiarities with regard to the investigation elements and principles were particularly underlined during the experience exchange with the international experts, the management of risks of investigation was also considered.