Protection of the rights of elderly is a priority for the Human Rights Defender

Protection of the rights of elderly is a priority for the Human Rights Defender

Continuing to keep a close eye on the protection of the rights of elderly, representatives of the Human Rights Defender payed an unannounced visit to the Yerevan N1 social care home.


During the visit, private interviews were held with persons, who live at the Institution, and issues which are not resolved, have been identified at the social care home.


In particular, the provided food, its quality, living conditions, kitchen and cafeteria, cleanliness of the rooms and bed linen, conditions of the bathroom, and the provided medications have been examined.


A private interview was also held with the medical doctor, possibilities of transferring the elderly to medical institutions in case of necessity were discussed.


The results of the visit and recommendations will be presented to the relevant bodies.


Last year fundamental issues were solved as a result of investigation initiated by the Defender's Office based on the complaints received from the Yerevan N1 social care home.