Unannounced visits to 4 penitentiary institutions: The majority of complaints concern the implementation of the amnesty act

Unannounced visits to 4 penitentiary institutions: The majority of complaints concern the implementation of the amnesty act

Unannounced visits were conducted last week to “Armavir”, “Sevan”, “Hrazdan” and “Vanadzor” penitentiary institutions based on the complaints addressed to the Human Rights Defender, as well as for the purpose of monitoring.


Private interviews were held with detained and convicted persons.


The majority of applications and complaints relate to the scope of amnesty act implementation.


A number of detainees have raised the issue of non-use of encouragement measures towards them, which hinders early conditional release. Other persons deprived of liberty claimed that judicial acts against them were result of not objective and unilateral investigation.


The Defender’s representatives examined issues related to health care of persons who were on hunger strike, the state of human rights protection and their compliance with the requirements were checked. Private interviews were held with them.


Some convicts have raised questions on health issues. The documents related to their health conditions were examined and the issue of providing additional medical consultations was raised. 


A number of recorded issues were discussed with the administrations of penitentiary institutions on the spot and were immediately solved. Letters will be addressed to the competent state bodies within the mandate of the Human Rights Defender aimed at solving other raised issues.


An effective cooperation has been established with the administrations of penitentiary institutions, which is crucial in addressing issues that are raised.