Unannounced visits to Nubarashen and Vardashen Penitentiary Institutions: private interviews were held with the persons on hunger strike and other persons deprived of liberty

Unannounced visits to Nubarashen and Vardashen Penitentiary Institutions: private interviews were held with the persons on hunger strike and other persons deprived of liberty

On March 22, upon the instruction of the Human Rights Defender and based on complaints and calls received via hotline, a visit was carried out to Nubarashen and Vardashen Penitentiary Institutions of the Ministry of Justice. 


The Defender's representatives had a private interview with a detainee who started a hunger strike in Nubarashen Penitentiary Institution on March 21st. The hunger strike is conditioned by the investigation of the criminal case, as well as the request for conducting certain investigative activities. In this connection, the detainee also addressed a written complaint to the Defender.


The medical records of the person who is on hunger strike have been examined and his health issues were discussed with the medical staff.


During the visit, private interviews were also held with other persons deprived of their liberty. The majority of the complaints pertain to the possibility of reviewing the judgments, investigating criminal cases, medical care, early conditional release, transfer to a penitentiary institution with a lower degree of isolation, application of the Amnesty Act, terms of maintaining contact with the outside world, transferring to another penitentiary.


Many of the raised issues were discussed with the administration of the penitentiary, some of which were solved on the spot.


In order to solve the issues raised by persons deprived of liberty, the necessary steps envisaged by the law will be undertaken within the mandate of the Human Rights Defender, including written letters that will be addressed to competent authorities.