Development of international best practice: The Defender participates in the execution of ECHR judgments

Development of international best practice:  The Defender participates in the execution of ECHR judgments


Upon the Human Rights Defender’s initiative and with the Council of Europe’s support, discussions were launched with regard to the execution of ECHR judgments against Armenia on the rights of military servicemen, right to life and prohibition of torture. The participation of the Armenian National Human Rights Institution in the execution of ECHR judgments is an example of international best practice, and the Defender will participate in that process in cooperation with state authorities and partners from civil society.


The RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan and the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Natalia Voutova made opening speeches during the event organized in the framework of project “Strengthening the Application of European Human Rights Standards in the Armed Forces in Armenia” implemented by the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan. The event was organized within the implementation of 2018 Copenhagen Declaration of the Council of Europe as well. The representative of the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights Vahe Demirchyan also participated in the event.


 “Currently, the Human Rights Defender’s Office is preparing a special submission on the execution of the ECHR judgment against Armenia regarding the issue of military servicemen rights. It will be submitted to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. In this context, today’s discussion is aimed at the capacity building of the staff”- mentioned Arman Tatoyan.


During the discussion, the Defender’s Office was presented with the procedure of the ECHR judgments execution and the peculiarities of the National Human Rights Institution’s participation in that process.


As a reminder, recently the Human Rights Defender of Armenia Arman Tatoyan was granted leave to intervene as a third party in the case of Hakobyan v. Armenia, which is an example of international best practice by a National Human Rights Institution.