Regarding the Activities of Ombudsman during the Elections

Regarding the Activities of Ombudsman during the Elections

1. By 22:00 on the Election Day (April 2) the Ombudsman has received 49 calls, out of which there has been a response and solution to 17 calls. One of the calls was given a resolution through a visit to the polling station. The other calls were inquiries for legal expertise. We have also accepted a citizen in the Ombudsman's office

The penitentiaries have not received complaints about the voting process. 17 calls were related to excessive accumulation of the people, equipment malfunction, failure to stream the electoral process online, lack of facilities to make voting possible for persons with disabilities, the records in the electoral lists as well as not allowing an MP or proxy to participate in the counting process of ballots.


2. As a result there was a special assistance provided to persons with disabilities in all the polling stations that the Ombudsman's office and the Central Election Commission visited. The Ombudsman's hotline has received 5 specific calls regarding the absence of the necessary conditions for a person with disabilities to vote, and one of a more general nature.


3. The working group of the Ombudsman's office has analysed around 850 publications on social media and social networks, out of which in 325 the data on the violations was not confirmed, and 131 contained elements of crime. The data containing elements of crime will be sent to the authorities responsible for criminal prosecution.


4. Discussion procedures have been initiated on 176 publications and oral complaints concerning Shirak, Lori, Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces. Particularly, there have been 60 publications about Gegharkunik, 13 about Shirak, 53 about Syunik and 50 about Lori provinces. Certain work has been conducted with electoral commissions and police officers. As a result, 45 recorded violations in Gegharkunik, 11 in Shirak, 47 in Syunik and 21 in Lori have been confirmed and resolved.


5. The Ombudsman's office has especially attentively followed the information regarding the possible obstacles for journalists' and observers' work. It is a criminal offense to create obstacles for the professional work of journalists and observers.


6. During the whole day the Ombudsman's office was in contact with the EU Delegation´s external consultant on elections and OSCE / ODIHR Election Observation Group who have regularly been provided with the information listed above. The final statement will also be given to the international partners.