The person sentenced to a life imprisonment has undergone a surgery with the Defender’s support

The person sentenced to a life imprisonment has undergone a surgery with the Defender’s support

A person sentenced to a life imprisonment requested the Human Rights Defender’s support for his proper medical care and necessary surgery.


According to the applicant, during his stay at Prison Hospital penitentiary institution, he was not provided adequate medical care and necessary surgery was not arranged.


Within the framework of discussion of the complaint, official letter was sent to the RA Ministry of Justice. According to the response, the convict was provided with a necessary laboratory and instrumental examination at Prison Hospital penitentiary institution and there was no need for a surgery at that time. As a result, he was discharged from the hospital.


After a while, his cell mates applied to the Defender informing that the health condition of the convict was getting worse.


After the Defender's intervention, the Penitentiary Department informed that he had applied to the RA Ministry of Healthcare for organizing necessary free examinations.


As a result, the convict was examined and undergone a surgery.