Congratulatory Address by Human Rights Defender on the Occasion of International Human Rights Day

Congratulatory Address by Human Rights Defender on the Occasion of International Human Rights Day

Dear fellow compatriots,

The whole world celebrates December 10 as the International Human Rights Day. The date commemorates the day when in 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


From that moment the civilized world started attaching a new value to human being, his/her rights and liberties. These are values that should also lie at the base of contemporary societies, knowing no political, geographical, national or any other boundaries.


Dear citizens,

The promotion of human rights and their further development in Armenia are irreversible. Every one of us should personally experience the end result of that development. A right should be not an illusionary value but one exercised at full in real life. All the state agencies without any exception should ensure the above-mentioned, with every day careful work.

Every official should always bear in mind that human being is an ultimate value. This mentality should lie at the core of any public servant’s work. The Constitution of our country has already ensured all the grounds for that fundamental obligation of the State.

The Human Rights Defender also plays a crucial role in carrying into effect this fundamental objective. That role certainly imposes difficulties and challenges; nevertheless we should always assist to guaranteeing and protecting of fundamental rights and liberties in our country with incessant work and to ensuring of ultimate respect for human being.

That work, certainly, cannot give desired results without active participation of civil society and the support of mass media. It is only through the joint efforts by every one of us and due to high public demand that can we ensure a state system operating with a high responsibility and consequently, citizens exercising their rights at full.


I congratulate every one of us on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.