Human Rights Defender has submitted a request letter to the Prosecutor General

Human Rights Defender has submitted a request letter to the Prosecutor General

On April 17, RA Human Rights Defender addressed RA Prosecutor General in relation to apparent violations recorded during elections of the local self-government bodies in the communities of the Republic of Armenia, to the end of investigating them in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the Criminal Procedure Code.


The Rapid Response Department of the Human Rights Defender’s Office examined mass media publications to reveal possible cases of electoral rights violations. Fourteen publications related to the electoral process in the city of Hrazdan were recorded, particularly they were about voting on behalf of another person, obstructing journalists’ activities, guiding voters, obstructing the activities of observers, violating the confidentiality of voting, obstructing the free will of the voter (giving election bribes), etc.


You can see the publications below:


Obstructing the activities of a mass media representative (;





Obstructing the implementation of a citizen’s right to elect, obstruction by committee members of the normal election process (;


Information about obstructing the performance of professional duties of a mass media representative (;


A person on several occasions accompanies older people to vote (;


Near the voting box a voter takes an already marked ballot from his pocket (carousel) (; 


Obstruction of the performance of duties by an observes at polling station N 25/13 (, (;


A citizen informs that he was bribed (;


Voting on behalf of another person (;



“Transparency International Armenia” NGO states that there was a violation at polling station 29/1 in Spitak city. An empty envelope and ballot were discovered in the voting box (;



Report on crime: high-ranking officials interfere with the election process (;


Aram Danielyan’s headquarter argues that Sasun Mikayelyan beat his trustee: the opposing side denies this information (;


Pre-election headquarter of Hrazdan’s mayor candidates continue recoding violations and accusing each other of their committing violations (;


An argument at polling station 25/01 in Hrazdan city (;


According to the resident of Hranzdan city, Aram Danielyan gives “sacks of money” (;

On April 17 the Defender՛ս Office received an alarm through hot line 116. According to it, a citizen from Talin city was unable to participate in the election because of a problem with the passport. Following the measures taken by the Defender’s representative, the citizen participated in the election using a temporary document issued by the police instead of a passport.