A mechanism should be in place to prepare persons deprived of liberty for release

A mechanism should be in place to prepare persons deprived of liberty for release

A legislative package developed jointly by the Office of the Human Rights Defender and the Ministry of Justice has been approved by the Government. The purpose of the package is to strengthen contact between persons deprived of liberty and their close relatives, as well as to improve their situation at penitentiary institutions. 


The legislative package is based on the examinations conducted by the Office of the Human Rights Defender in penitentiary institutions and the discussion of received complaints.


In particular, the Defender’s Office examined the realization of the right to maintain contact with outside world by persons deprived of liberty, issuance of identification cards, the possibility of postponing the disciplinary penalty during inpatient treatment and the necessity of reviewing the rule on keeping separate life-sentenced prisoners.


The position of the Human Rights Defender on ensuring the rights of detainees and convicted persons can be found here.