Statement on the recordings of telephone conversations of secondary schools and kindergartens’ Directors

Statement on the recordings of telephone conversations of secondary schools and kindergartens’ Directors

The Human Rights Defender’s staff examined "The Republican Party of Armenia abuses administrative resources of schools and kindergartens (114 recordings)" publication of the “Union of Informed Citizens” NGO in detail. The recordings, which the organization claims reflect telephone conversations with directors of schools and kindergartens were also examined.


It is arousing concern that the published study and recordings of a civil society organization relate to educational institutions and their directors. This factor is especially important when an essential democratic process is taking place in Armenia in regard to which the public trust is fundamental.


All data should be subjected to a detailed examination within the procedure provided by the law and in shortest possible time. The procedure must be transparent and the results should be made public. Especially considering that the issue concerns schools and kindergartens, all assessments should be based on the results. In this regard, initiation of an administrative proceeding by the Central Election Commission is important. A request has been already sent by the Ombudsman to the Central Election Commission to obtain the required clarifications and information about the initiated procedure.


The Ombudsman considered the statement of the RA General Prosecution’s Office that the publication and recordings of “Union of Informed Citizens” NGO are being investigated by the working group of the Prosecutor’s Office.  A request will also be sent to the Prosecutor’s Office in regard to the initiation of criminal proceeding.  Within the mandate of the Defender a consistency will be ensured for the implementation of investigative procedures by the competent authorities.