Defender's representatives visited a detainee who is in the hospital: the measure of restraint will be proposed for discussion

Defender's representatives visited a detainee who is in the hospital: the measure of restraint will be proposed for discussion

A few days ago, upon the Defender’s decision an investigation procedure was initiated at the Defender’s Office with regard to health care issues of detainee Constantine Hovhannisyan. In the framework of the discussion procedure an official letter was addressed to the Ministry of Justice. At the same time, given the media publications on Constantine Hovhannisyan's health condition, the Defender’s representatives immediately contacted the Investigation Department of the National Security Service to receive clarification.


Issues regarding the detainee’s health condition, as well as the lawyer’s participation, raised by the media were discussed.


A clarification was received from the investigation Department of NSS that given the health situation of Constantine Hovhannisyan, he was transferred to the Prisoners' Hospital penitentiary institution immediately after his detention, and then to the civilian hospital. The investigative body also allowed the guardian to stay with him.


Taking into account the NSS clarifications and the records of investigative procedure at the Human Rights Defender's Office, today the Human Rights Defender's representatives, including the doctor, visited the detainee at the civilian hospital. The detainee and the relatives who were taking care of him did not file any complaint with regard to the medical services provided at the civilian hospital. With regard to the health situation of the person, his compatibility with the measure of restraint, and other issues raised during the visit, an official letter is being prepared at the Defender’s Office which will be addressed to the Investigation Department of NSS.