The protection of military personnel’s rights should be under special attention

The protection of military personnel’s rights should be under special attention

Today, the session of the Expert Council on Military Personnel Rights Issues adjunct to the Human Rights Defender was held. Representatives of NGOs have also participated in the meeting. 


The issues on proper examination of conscripts’ health condition, protection of pre-conscripts’ rights during the process of the military registration, as well as military personnel’s rights during the disciplinary procedure were discussed.   


The members of the Council and representatives of the NGOs presented their proposals with regard to conscription notice, providing military registration documents, efficiency of medical commissions during the conscription and protection of military personnel rights during disciplinary procedure.


It was highlighted, that the protection of military personnel rights should be under state’s and NGO’s special attention.  


All legislative and practical proposals on issues discussed during the session will be examined by the Human Rights Defender’s Office in order to initiate possible solutions.