Ombudsman stressed the importance of the involvement of human rights institutions of Artsakh

Ombudsman stressed the importance of the involvement of human rights institutions of Artsakh

During the General Assembly of European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) in Zagreb, the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan while delivering his speech highlighting the importance of engaging human rights institutions of Artsakh in international meetings.  


In his speech, Arman Tatoyan specifically emphasized that irrespective of its political status Artsakh must be involved in all discussions in respect of human rights. In this connection, the role of Artsakh’s Ombudsman and the importance of his participation were specifically highlighted.


In relation to the above, Arman Tatoyan presented separate proposals during the plenary session, which were recorded by the Secretary General of the organization and reserved for discussions within the 2017-2019 strategic plan of the organization.


After Arman Tatoyan’s speech the representative of Azerbaijan, in breach of the established rules, made political announcements about alleged occupation of Azerbaijani territories and UN Resolutions. Following Arman Tatoyan’s reaction, the moderator of the session, the Secretary General, remarked the behavior of Azerbaijan’s representative to politicize events devoted to human rights impermissible. As a result, the arguments of the Azerbaijan’s representative were not supported.


Within the framework the General Assembly, Arman Tatoyan was included in the group supervising the development of the organization’s strategic planning and had separate meetings with the Ombudsmen of Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine and other international partners.