The Human Rights Defender's position on the formation of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition and the Public Services Regulatory Commission

The Human Rights Defender's position on the formation of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition and the Public Services Regulatory Commission

The issue related to the formation of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition and the Public Services Regulatory Commission has been discussed at the Human Rights Defender's Office. The issue was also discussed at the RA Government's sitting of April 4, 2019. Anahit Sargsyan, a member of the RA State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, also applied to the Defender regarding the same issue.


Within the framework of the discussions, both the current legislation of Armenia and the draft laws on making amendments to the laws on Economic Competition and the Regulatory Body for Public Services were studied.


With a combined analysis of the RA Constitution, domestic legislation and international law, the Human Rights Defender finds that there are no sufficient grounds for an application to the Constitutional Court with regard to the formation of the members of these commissions.


Regarding the draft law on the appointment of members of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition and the Public Services Regulatory Commission, discussed in the Government sitting, the Human Rights Defender considers it a step towards solving the problem. Given the importance of these bodies, the continuity of their activities should be ensured.