With the Defender’s support, a military serviceman will undergo additional medical examination. An unannounced visit to Yerevan Garrison Military Hospital

With the Defender’s support, a military serviceman will undergo additional medical examination. An unannounced visit to Yerevan Garrison Military Hospital

The mother of the compulsory military serviceman requested the Human Rights Defender’s assistance in additional medical examination of her son.


The applicant informed the Defender that her son has health problems and receives inpatient treatment at the Yerevan Garrison Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense. According to the applicant, the medical examinations organised in the hospital are insufficient for identifying her son's health condition.


Within the investigation of the complaint, the representatives of the Human Rights Defender paid an unannounced visit to the Yerevan Garrison Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense.


During the visit, the Defender's representatives met with the administration staff of the Hospital and the doctor of the military serviceman, examined the medical records and had a private interview with the serviceman.


It was revealed that the necessary medical examinations were carried out in the hospital to identify the health condition of the serviceman, but as a result of the discussion between the Defender's representatives and the hospital administration staff, it was decided that additional medical examination would be necessary to obtain complete information on the health status of the serviceman.


The Human Rights Defender stresses the importance of effective and sustainable cooperation with the RA Ministry of Defense in ensuring and promoting the rights of the servicemen.