Fact-finding activities in borderline villages of Tavush: an ad hoc report will be published

Fact-finding activities in borderline villages of Tavush:  an ad hoc report will be published

On 21 September, a working group led by the Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan visited borderline Baghanis and Koti villages of Tavush province that are targeted by the Azerbaijani armed forces. The aim of the visit was to conduct fact-finding activities with regard to shootings towards the direction of civilian settlements.


With the purpose of conducting exclusively human-rights-based activity and receiving credible and first-hand information, the fact-finding mission recorded numerous traces of damages in Koti village, as well as оn the walls and roofs of Administration Building and the school of Baghanis, on the walls and damaged windows of civilian houses. During private interviews, villagers and representatives of administration mentioned that these damages had been caused as a result of targeted shelling of the village (from large-caliber machine guns). As a result of the shelling a Koti villager was wounded as well.


An ad hoc report both in English and in French will be prepared based on the fact-finding activities and necessary examinations. The report will be disseminated among international organizations, as well as the RA relevant state and civic human-rights-based structures.


During the meeting with Arman Tatoyan, the civilians of borderline villages also raised social issues they face. The Human Rights Defender will take necessary steps within his mandate to solve these issues. 


As a reminder, in his previous ad hoc reports the Human Rights Defender recorded that the shootings towards Armenian borderline villages are systemic and are aimed at causing targeted damages to civilians.