The Human Rights Defender’s ad hoc report regarding firing towards borderline communities will be sent to international organizations

The Human Rights Defender’s ad hoc report regarding firing towards borderline communities will be sent to international organizations

During September, immediately after the publication of the information on firing towards Armenia’s borderline communities by the Azerbaijani armed forces, the Human Rights Defender conducted fact-finding mission.


On September 11, shootings took place in the direction of Vazashen village of Tavush Province in the daytime. The video, which was released yesterday by the resident of the village, proves that the shootings were targeted towards the civilian residence in particular, towards a private house, in the yard of which at that moment were playing children). Shootings apparently endangered the lives of civilians, especially the lives and health of women and children. This information was confirmed to the Human Rights Defender’s Office by both administration of the village and residents. Moreover, the Defender directly received information that there had been shootings targeted towards the village school as well.


Baghanis, Voskevan, Koti and Vazashen villages of RA Tavush Province have been targeted since September 2. The Human Rights Defender’s Office received calls on this as well.

On September 2, 4 and 5 shootings took place in Koti village.


On September 2, 9 and 11 shootings took place towards Baghanis village. There have been shootings targeted towards civilian houses, directly endangering the lives of peaceful population and their right to health. As a result, the normal traffic on the interstate highway Voskepar–Baghanis has been hampered as well, making it temporarily impossible.


Furthermore, on September 8 Voskevan village was targeted by Azerbaijani armed forces. This time, residents claimed that the roofs, walls of the houses, as well as household appliances were damaged.


Currently, with the direct instruction of the Human Rights Defender, comprehensive fact-finding missions are being conducted.


On the basis of conducted fact finding missions (operations, activities) and necessary examinations, ad hoc report will be prepared in English and French. The report will be sent to the international organizations, as well as to the relevant state and human rights institutions.