Defender met with representatives of organizations for prevention of torture

Defender met with representatives of organizations for prevention of torture

On November 21, RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan had a meeting with Barbara Bernath, Chief of Operations at Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) in Geneva. During the meeting, the main directions of cooperation in the field of prevention of torture, as well as capacity development of the Defender’s Office have been discussed. At the same time, the regulations related to the strengthening of the mandate of the Defender as National Preventive Mechanism enclosed in the draft Constitutional Law on “Human Rights Defender" were presented and discussed.


The Defender also met Gerald Staberock, the Secretary General of World Organization against Torture (OMCT). During the meeting issues related to the joint projects and cooperation were emphasized, as well as the questions related to the practical implementation of recommendations of international organizations in the field of prevention of torture and involvement of the Defender’s Office in the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights were discussed. In addition, the Defender brought the attention of Gerald Staberock on the atrocities of Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh during the “April War”.